Friday, September 2, 2011

Raya Break

My Raya break can be summarized in two words; Shopping Week!

Yeah, shopping is what I basically did this whole week. So my Deepavali shopping has officially ended today, no more purchases for me! Hahahahahaha….

Actually in the whole week there were other significant events which I will list down now:

Thursday: Arrived home, had home cooked meal and then it was time to rest.

Friday: Temple day. Went to Kaliamman Temple to see my Amman, then evening went to Sivan Temple for Prodosham.

Saturday: Again temple time. Went to Arakasama Temple near Padang Brown to do prayers for Datuk. Then went to Market Street to buy some prayer things and bought a Punjabi suit for myself. Hehehehe

Sunday: Temple day again. No no no I am not really a pious devotee, just following my mum. Hehehehe….This time it was Ayya Temple in Air Putih, Balik Pulau and Bagan Ajam. Yeah two temples in a day. It was an hectic day.

Monday: This was the day I was awaiting. Yes my shopping day. My mum and I did a massive shopping; by the way it was not only for me but also for others in my family.

Tuesday: Raya house! Went to Siti Akka’s house for Raya celebration. They served awesome food. Hehehehehe…. Then it was Global Indian Fair in Times Square. I bought some bangles and 2 leggings. That’s all.

Wednesday: A day at home, yet there was so many things to do because my nieces and some relatives came. So I helped my mum to cook. The menu was; white rice, mutton curry, mix vegetables and fried chicken. For evening we prepared, fried bee hoon, sardine and potato curry puff and jelly.

Thursday: Vinayagar Sathurthi. Helped mum to prepare mothegam, sundal, vadai and kolkathe.

Friday: Last day of my Raya break at home. Went out with mum to Market Street. Had vegetarian lunch in Vegetarian Anandha Bhawan Restaurant. Then we went to the Global Indian Fair again to buy bangles. Hehehehehe…. This year I am a bit, take note *a bit* obsessed with bangles. Hehehehe…

Saturday: 9.45am bus to Shah Alam. L

So Raya week ends here. It was an awesome week. I can say it was an educating week for me. I realized how important some people in my life are and how useless some people are in my life.

Overall it was a week I enjoyed myself a lot with my parents and my pet, Vishal.

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